Letter 19180125

Jan. 25, 1918
Weldon, Iowa

Dear Frank
I will try to write you a few lines today. It has been a long time since I have heard from you. I hope you are all right. I waited so long to hear from you then I finally got your address from Miss Burgess here in town, as she said her brother James is in your co. She said you boys did not have a nice place where you are now. Are you still in quarantine. Did you get the handkerchief's we sent you for Christmas. It was a very small Christmas present, but it was the best we could do this time. We sent the same to Russell and Charlie except we sent some dates, raisins and figs and some cookies. The parcel post would have been too high to send those things to where you were. I am sending you a little calendar that I made about 3 weeks ago. I made one for each of you boys. I have sent Russell's and Charlie's to them. We just got a letter today from Charlie. He said that he was corporal now and did not ask for it either. He said the 1st Sargent told him that anything he wanted, just ask him and he would get it. I think Charlie will get along alright in whatever he tries to do, if he just gets back home safe. But Russell is not well. I am afraid he never will be very well. Charlie says he is going to try to get him a discharge. We have been having some bad colds here at home. The children have been home from school about a week. Mary started again yesterday and Chester and George the day before. I am never well. Dr. said he thought I might have a tumor, but I don't think so at all. You know I have always been sick a great deal. I have been taking wine of (?) again and my side does not pain so bad now. But I have a very bad cold, could hardly sit up yesterday, am better today. Frank I have some things I want to tell you, but can't quite make up my mind to do it. You are so far away, and I could not tell you quite like, if you were here, but it is nothing you ought to care for, or worry about, so I'll let it wait awhile. Our little grocery is doing pretty well, far better than the meat market. People do not eat so much meat any more. They can't afford to. But the grocery gets better all the time. I have not been up town since before Christmas. Did I write about the accident that happened to Mr & Mrs Fisher. Some time ago their stove blew up and hurt them both.Mrs Fisher was hurt quite seriously, but I am sure you have heard all about it. And Mrs Al Metier is dead. I expect you have heard about that too. She had paralysis. You know that Gordon Farmer was in the navy. Did you hear of him getting hurt. His ship was in a terrible storm and a mast broke and fell on 9 men, killing six and crippling 3. Gordon had both arms broken. He is getting along well the report says. Well Frank try to write me a few lines soon and let me know how you are, if you are having enough to eat ( I heard that you did not) and have you a decent place to live. Well I do hope you boys will all soon get to come home. Tell me do you think that you boys are going to France soon, or will ever go. Do you ever get to see a Des Moines Evening Tribune, if you would like me too I will send you one once in a while. Well I guess I will have to quit for this time. Now Frank while you are writing don't forget to write to your mother for there will never be another that loves you as faithfully as your mother. No matter where you go or what you do, your mother never forgets you.. I pray each day that God will take care of you, keep you from harm and bring you safe to me again. So good by kiddie, be a good boy.

With lots of love from Mother.